Diversitas: Initiating Change
Since 2016, Diversitas has hosted a yearly financial knowledge symposium bringing together leaders in financial planning and wealth management with career influencers and students who are exploring the industry and profession, to build professional hope for young people and career changers in an industry that is working diligently to be fully inclusive. It is brought to the community by the Financial Planning Program in The University of Akron’s College of Business.
Diversitas has held three events at the University of Akron campus, and in 2020 the first national online Diversitas attracted 22 partner universities, 5 corporate sponsors, and more than 600 in attendance, including students, professionals and career influencers.
The event has also earned attendance from members of the media from Financial Advisor Magazine, Financial Planning, RIA Intel, and WealthManagement.com.
Diversitas’ goal is to build professional hope for young people and career changers in an industry that is working diligently to be fully inclusive.
Diversitas events give those who are underrepresented in the financial planning profession a better understanding of the great opportunities that exist in the industry, as well as a platform to have thoughtful discussions about how we can build a more diverse tomorrow.